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Here is all the info:
Our trees are fresh cut and shipped from North Carolina!
We will be offering Frasier Fur, first quality only.
We are open Weekdays from 11-7 and on Weekends from 10-7
The coffee truck is open all day and serving up Hot chocolate, lattes, frappes, hot and cold cider, and chai tea!!
The hight range and price:
6-7 foot $95.00
7-8 foot $119.00
8-9 foot $149.00
9-10 foot $189.00
We have a few in the range of 12-13 foot and are $275.00
They are first quality trees, no holes or gaps, super full!!
We have lot attendants to help you. We will bundle the tree and tie it to your car.. the lot attendants work for tips only!!
Customers get a free hayride (conditions permitting) for the family with the purchase of a tree.
Hayrides, Barrel Trains and Play area are open everyday
Hayride is $5.50 (if you don't purchase a tree), 2 and under free
Barrel train is $5.50
Play area is free with friendly farm animals to pet, play houses, sand piles and bounce houses.
Pony rides are available on Saturday and Sunday only from 11-3.
We have lots of goodies under the farm stand for sale!! Support over 15 small business when you shop with us:
Tracy's treats for pumpkin cookies and homemade pies and cheesecakes
Farmer Daves Peanuts for Fresh roasted NC Peanuts
Matt Dad with MaD Seasoning, an all around seasoning that makes all things good! Created by local chef Matt Starcher.
North End hot sauce and hot honey
Local Honey by Donny Norrell
Chesapeake Kettle Corn, fresh made right down the street!
Pale Horse Coffee, fresh ground, seasonal flavors
Taxus street coffee provides our fresh Espresso Beans for the coffee truck.
Amazing Glazed donuts for our seasonal Cider Donuts.
Tidewater Coffee for all of our coffee truck flavors and syrups
Lowery's Homestead CreaTIONS FOR all natural bath bombs
Blue Dragonfly for Goats Milk soap and natural bug spray
Land of Promise Farms for Pork Chops, bacon and other pork goodness.
St. Brides feed and seed for straw, feed for the animals and hay.
Quick Ts is who we buy our T-shirts and Sweat shirts from.
Hot cocoa bombs and chocolate covered pretzels from
The Bomb Treats.
Mr. Miller is our local free range fresh egg provider.
Hoosier Home Woodcrafts and Co. make the most beautiful hand crafted cutting and Charcuterie boards.
When you shop with us, you are supporting us and other local businesses plus helping us to employ local teens and young adults in our community.....
Thank you from the whole gang!
Merry Christmas!!
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