Do we take cards? Yes, all of them but we like cash because the card reader company charges us a fee and it adds up! This year we will add a small fee for card use.
Do we allow pets? Yes, as long as they are on a leash and are a safe distance from the pony arena.
Please do not allow dogs to bark or get near the working ponies. Dogs are not allowed under the Farm stand or in the picking fields during strawberry, pumpkin or sunflower season.
Do we have buckets for strawberries? Yes! They are 2.00 to purchase or you can bring something to pick in. If you bring your own containers, have them weighed when you check in so that we don't charge you for the weight of your container.
Is there an admission fee? No! But tickets are required for the rides, $5.00 for hayrides, 2 and under are free. $5.00 for barrel train, $7.50 for pony rides. Pony rides run everyday during strawberry and pumpkin season from 10-2.
The play area is open and free everyday. During our Fall Festival time, there is a fee for the play area.
Our coffee truck is open everyday.
Our food vendors are family friendly priced and available most weekends during strawberry and pumpkin season.
We grow a lot of our own produce during our local growing season. We do reach out to other local and regional producers for things that we either don't have yet such as Tomatoes, peaches and corn which are later season crops here.
No smoking near the farm stand and in play area please!
Do you have rest rooms? Yes, they are port-o-potties.
Can we bring our own food and beverages? Sure!
Where are you located? We are at 2928 S. Battlefield Blvd. Chesapeake, VA 23322 We are almost exactly 2.5 miles South of the Edinburgh Section of Chesapeake. If you are taking the bypass, take the second Hillcrest Parkway exit, follow the exit ramp straight down to Battlefield Blvd. Take a right at the WaWa and then just keep straight for 2.5 miles. You will see the Ruritan Club and then you know you are almost there!
What time do Children's Activities start? It varies depending on season. Look under strawberry season info and pumpkin season info.
Professional Photographers can use the farm for a small fee. $15.00 per family is asked for use of the farm and Sunflowers are available from Mid-May through the Summer months.
General info about pumpkins: We start planting pumpkins in June and July. They grow all summer and harvest is in October. Growing pumpkins here is not an easy task due to humidity and very hot temps. Pumpkins are pollinated by bumble bees. The flowers open in the morning when most of the pollination occurs. The flowers are in full bloom throughout the summer. There are male and female flowers. The female flower produces the fruit. If it is extremely hot, which it can be in August, the female flower will pop off the plant and the fruit will be lost. Some years we have abundant pumpkins and some years the yield is a little lower. We generally open the pumpkin patch at the beginning of October. The vines will get trampled and by the 3rd week it all may look a bit sad from all the activity in the field. We may also have to place some pumpkins in the field to keep up with the demand of people wanting to visit the patch. We call it the pumpkin fairy time. She comes to visit overnight and replenishes pumpkins like magic! So the earlier you pick from the field, the more likely you will be to find them still on the vine.
General info about strawberries: Strawberries come in around Mid-April and produce fruit until early June. The beginning of picking season will be light and we will get picked out some days. Then as we progress later in the month of April, the picking will get easier and easier. We will peak around the last week in April to early May and then we will be on the other side of peak picking around the 3rd week in May. There will still be berries all of the way to the end of May but it will take a little more time to fill buckets while the "wind down" happens. The berries stop producing when it gets constantly hot. So sometimes we pick into early June, it just depends on the weather. You can always check facebook if picking conditions are questionable.